
golang.pngGolang : How to get quoted string into another string?

9th July 2015

Problem :

You have a string and you want to join it with another string which is quoted. Somehow, you….... read more

golang.pngGolang : Ways to recover memory during run time.

8th July 2015

Problem :

Most program written with Golang should have automatic garbage collection to recover the used memory. However, there are….... read more

golang.pngGolang : How to check if input string is a word?

8th July 2015

Problem :

I'm writing a parser and I need to determine if the user input is a word or something….... read more

golang.pngGolang : Convert(cast) string to rune and back to string example

8th July 2015

Tutorial on how how to convert a string to rune type and back to string. Dealing with rune can be….... read more

golang.pngGolang : How to get struct tag and use field name to retrieve data?

7th July 2015

Problem :

A structure data field can have additional information or meta-data. This information is known as struct tag in….... read more

golang.pngGolang : Struct field tags and what is their purpose?

6th July 2015

Got a curious question asked by a colleague today on what's the purpose on field tags inside a struct. For….... read more

golang.pngGolang : Meaning of omitempty in struct's field tag

6th July 2015

Another quick note for myself and maybe useful for you as well. This is about the meaning of the word….... read more

golang.pngGolang : When to use init() function?

6th July 2015

When to use init() function? If you read this official documentation at effective go init, it can be….... read more

golang.pngGolang : Extract XML attribute data with attr field tag example

3rd July 2015

This is an additional tutorial for previous tutorial on how to add XML attribute in Golang with struct….... read more

golang.pngGolang : Adding XML attributes to xml data or use attribute to differentiate a common tag name

3rd July 2015

Problem :

There are times when we want to produce XML files that are easier to read by human eyes….... read more

golang.pngGolang : Convert []string to []byte examples

2nd July 2015

Problem :

You need a fast way to convert a []string to []byte type. To use in situations such as….... read more

golang.pngGolang : Clean up null characters from input data

2nd July 2015

Problem :

You have input data in slice of bytes and you want to remove the null characters in the….... read more

golang.pngGolang : Of hash table and hash map

2nd July 2015

A short note for myself. Was looking to build a knowledge base consisting of a keyword or key string and….... read more

golang.pngGolang : Random Rune generator

1st July 2015

Just a quick tutorial on how to generate random runes and add on to previous tutorial on how….... read more

golang.pngGolang : does not implement flag.Value (missing Set method)

1st July 2015

Keep getting this error message : does not implement flag.Value (missing Set method) while trying to write example for flag.Var()….... read more

golang.pngGolang : Reverse a string with unicode

1st July 2015

Problem :

You got a string of :

世界你好! is the equivalent of Hello World! in Chinese

and you need….... read more

s3.pngGolang : Setting up/configure AWS credentials with official aws-sdk-go

1st July 2015

Problem :

You need to setup credentials with official AWS SDK and you have couple of questions :

How to….... read more

golang.pngGolang : unknown escape sequence error

1st July 2015

Encountered a funky error message unknown escape sequence while working this the tutorial on how to find IP….... read more
