
golang.pngGolang : Web(Javascript) to server-side websocket example

20th July 2015

For this tutorial, we will explore how to write a HTML page with Javascript/JQuery that interface with server-side Golang service….... read more

gorilla.pngGolang : Gorilla web tool kit schema example

20th July 2015

This is an example on how to use Gorilla web tool kit Schema package. The Schema package is….... read more

gorilla.pngGolang : Gorilla web tool kit secure cookie example

20th July 2015

Sometimes we need to track user payment status and store the items to be purchased in the browser's cookies cache/jar.….... read more

golang.pngGolang : Unmarshal JSON from http response

19th July 2015

For this tutorial, we will learn how to unmarshal JSON data retrieved from http.Get() function. Using the HTTP….... read more

golang.pngGolang : Encode image to base64 example

18th July 2015

We will learn how to convert an image to base64 encoded string in this tutorial. Converting image data to base64….... read more

gorilla.pngGolang : How to use Gorilla webtoolkit context package properly

16th July 2015

Many new comers to Gorilla web toolkit are confused as why they cannot pass variables to another handler with the….... read more

gorilla.pngGolang : How to feed or take banana with Gorilla Web Toolkit Session package

16th July 2015

From previous tutorial on context package, we learn that in order to pass data to other handlers outside….... read more

gorilla.pngGolang : Build new URL for named or registered route with Gorilla webtoolkit example

15th July 2015

Problem :

Ok, you want to construct a new URL with Gorilla webtoolkit but don't know how. For example, you….... read more

gorilla.pngGolang : Example of custom handler for Gorilla's Path usage.

15th July 2015

In Gorilla WebToolkit's official documentation, the code fragment given in http://www.gorillatoolkit.org/pkg/mux#Route.Path does not show how to create custom….... read more

gorilla.pngGolang : Gorrila mux.Vars() function example

15th July 2015

Gorrila Web toolkit mux.Vars() function usage example. Vars contains the URI variables of the current request.

For example :

URL….... read more

gorilla.pngGolang : Gorrila set route name and get the current route name

15th July 2015

Problem :

You want to know the current route that your user is using on your website and retrieve the….... read more

golang.pngGolang : Determine if directory is empty with os.File.Readdir() function

14th July 2015

Problem :

You are traversing a directory tree with filepath.Walk() function and you need to find out if a directory….... read more

golang.pngGolang : Read data from config file and assign to variables

14th July 2015

Usually a large program will need multiple parameters to function properly and the parameters will determine the behavior of the….... read more

golang.pngGolang : Auto-generate reply email with text/template package

14th July 2015

Problem :

You have customers that ask question via email that sometimes bordering repetitive questioning or simply refused to read….... read more

golang.pngGolang : How to count the number of repeated characters in a string?

13th July 2015

Problem :

You want to develop a new algorithm that somehow will reduce or compress the size of a string….... read more

golang.pngGolang : How to check if a string starts or ends with certain characters or words?

13th July 2015

Problem :

You are building a rule for parsing text strings and you want to determine if a string starts….... read more

golang.pngGolang : How to get ECDSA curve and parameters data?

12th July 2015

Problem :

A reader asked :

"ECDSA cents have a parameters block which has the parameters for the….... read more

golang.pngGolang : How to get garbage collection data?

11th July 2015

Problem :

You have read the previous tutorial on recovering memory and you want to trigger garbage collection….... read more
