Golang : Setting up/configure AWS credentials with official aws-sdk-go
Problem :
You need to setup credentials with official AWS SDK and you have couple of questions :
How to read from ~/.aws/credential file?
How to read from environment variables?
How to use the aws_access_key_id
and aws_secret_access_key
inside your code instead from environment variables or file?
Solutions :
Read from ~/.aws/credential file example :
package main
import (
func main() {
// if you have ~/.aws/credentials file, the SDK will find and use the file automagically
// see http://blogs.aws.amazon.com/security/post/Tx3D6U6WSFGOK2H/A-New-and-Standardized-Way-to-Manage-Credentials-in-the-AWS-SDKs
// err... as of May 22nd 2015, it doesn't work for Golang :(
// therefore, you still have to manually tell it where to find and load which profile
// the file location and load default profile
creds := credentials.NewSharedCredentials("/Users/sweetlogic/.aws/credentials", "default")
credValue, err := creds.Get()
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Value of credentials : ", credValue)
fmt.Println("Raw credentials : ", creds)
// test if the credentials configuration works or not
ec2client := ec2.New(&aws.Config{
Region: "us-west-2", // get from your AWS console, click "Properties"
Credentials: creds,
LogLevel: 1,
// Call the DescribeInstances Operation
resp, err := ec2client.DescribeInstances(nil)
if err != nil {
// resp has all of the response data, pull out instance IDs:
fmt.Println("> Number of reservation sets: ", len(resp.Reservations))
for idx, res := range resp.Reservations {
fmt.Println(" > Number of instances: ", len(res.Instances))
for _, inst := range resp.Reservations[idx].Instances {
fmt.Println(" - Instance ID: ", *inst.InstanceID)
Read from environment variable example :
package main
import (
func main() {
// grab from the environment variables.
// environment variables names must be uppercase?
// export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=your access key id
// export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=your secret key
creds := credentials.NewEnvCredentials()
credValue, err := creds.Get()
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Value of credentials : ", credValue)
fmt.Println("Raw credentials : ", creds)
// test if the credentials configuration works or not
ec2client := ec2.New(&aws.Config{
Region: "us-west-2", // get from your AWS console, click "Properties"
Credentials: creds,
LogLevel: 1,
// Call the DescribeInstances Operation
resp, err := ec2client.DescribeInstances(nil)
if err != nil {
// resp has all of the response data, pull out instance IDs:
fmt.Println("> Number of reservation sets: ", len(resp.Reservations))
for idx, res := range resp.Reservations {
fmt.Println(" > Number of instances: ", len(res.Instances))
for _, inst := range resp.Reservations[idx].Instances {
fmt.Println(" - Instance ID: ", *inst.InstanceID)
Read from code example :
package main
import (
func main() {
aws_access_key_id := "your access key id"
aws_secret_access_key := "your secret key"
// If you're working with temporary security credentials,
// you can also keep the session token in AWS_SESSION_TOKEN.
token := ""
creds := credentials.NewStaticCredentials(aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key, token)
v, err := creds.Get()
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Value of credentials : ", v)
fmt.Println("Raw credentials : ", creds)
ec2client := ec2.New(&aws.Config{
Region: "us-west-2", // get from your AWS console, click "Properties"
Credentials: creds,
LogLevel: 1,
// Call the DescribeInstances Operation
resp, err := ec2client.DescribeInstances(nil)
if err != nil {
// resp has all of the response data, pull out instance IDs:
fmt.Println("> Number of reservation sets: ", len(resp.Reservations))
for idx, res := range resp.Reservations {
fmt.Println(" > Number of instances: ", len(res.Instances))
for _, inst := range resp.Reservations[idx].Instances {
fmt.Println(" - Instance ID: ", *inst.InstanceID)
NOTE : AWS Golang SDK is still undergoing radical changes by the time of writing and there are possibilities that these examples might be obsolete in future. Till then happy coding!
References :
See also : Golang : Upload big file (larger than 100MB) to AWS S3 with multipart upload
By Adam Ng
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