Startup Idea : A training system for Software As A Service
Right, you and your team worked like crazy to build a web application that revolutionizes how an employee utilizes his/her….... read more
15th September 2017
Vending machine exclusive coffee soda by Coca-Cola
When I am coding and need to my replenish energy level, I would usually reach out to a can or….... read more
14th September 2017
Startup idea : Use 3D game technology to diagnose optical deficiencies
According to several recent studies, between 6 and 12% of the world population are stereoblind. What exactly is stereo blindness?….... read more
13th September 2017
Book review - Where to drink coffee
If you're the type of travelers relying on good old guide book such as Lonely Planet instead of smartphone apps….... read more
7th September 2017
Startup Idea : Online property management system
High rise building such as apartments, condominiums or any multi-tenant properties such as shopping malls usually have building management teams….... read more
7th September 2017
Star Wars inspired fitness equipment
If you happen to be into fitness and Star Wars, then these Star Wars inspired fitness equipment by Onnit….... read more
7th September 2017
Try IKEA furniture at your home with augmented reality app before buying
One of the things that I feared the most when moving to a new place is ending up buying the….... read more
7th September 2017
Cubetto - A screenless coding experience for kids
Parents these days want their children to learn how to program because they know the programming is an essential skill….... read more
4th September 2017
Battery powered folding bicycle by Brompton
What else to do with a folding bike that allows us to go around to discover life outside our house….... read more
4th September 2017
Trimming workforce at Nike. Mostly those in IT.
Nike recently started to implement its downsizing exercise by notifying about 1,400 workers that they are being let go. Citing….... read more
4th September 2017
Algorithm to remove stock photos watermarks
Alright, you want to include some images from your search result into your blog post or use the images in….... read more
1st September 2017
Having depression? Now Google is able to help diagnose
No one likes to admit that they are suffering from mental illness and recently Google wants to help U.S-based users….... read more
31st August 2017
+9.6k Golang : Quadratic example
+10.3k Golang : Convert file unix timestamp to UTC time example
+7.7k Gogland : Where to put source code files in package directory for rookie
+52.6k Golang : How to get struct field and value by name
+32.4k Golang : Math pow(the power of x^y) example
+22.2k Golang : Convert seconds to minutes and remainder seconds
+35.9k Golang : Integer is between a range
+48.1k Golang : How to convert JSON string to map and slice
+7.1k Restart Apache or Nginx web server without password prompt
+14.9k Golang : Submit web forms without browser by http.PostForm example
+11.1k Golang : Read until certain character to break for loop
+5.7k Golang : ROT32768 (rotate by 0x80) UTF-8 strings example