Golang : Recombine chunked files example
Problem :
You use the previous tutorial on how to split or chunk a big file into smaller pieces and now you want to recombine the smaller chunks back together again. How to do that?
Solution :
In Linux/Unix, you can use the cat
command to recombine the chunks with this example line:
cat bigfile_0 bigfile_1 bigfile_2 bigfile_3 bigfile_4 bigfile_5 > catNEWbigfile.zip
However, it can be a tedious process if you have many files to recombine back.
Below is an example of how to split a file and then recombine the chunks back again.
I've tested this solution on a 6 MB bigfile.zip
file and able to unzip the new file successfully. Please try on a larger file to see if this solution works or not with a file larger than 4GB.
Here you go!
package main
import (
func main() {
fileToBeChunked := "./bigfile.zip" // change here!
file, err := os.Open(fileToBeChunked)
if err != nil {
defer file.Close()
fileInfo, _ := file.Stat()
var fileSize int64 = fileInfo.Size()
const fileChunk = 1 * (1 << 20) // 1 MB, change this to your requirement
// calculate total number of parts the file will be chunked into
totalPartsNum := uint64(math.Ceil(float64(fileSize) / float64(fileChunk)))
fmt.Printf("Splitting to %d pieces.\n", totalPartsNum)
for i := uint64(0); i < totalPartsNum; i++ {
partSize := int(math.Min(fileChunk, float64(fileSize-int64(i*fileChunk))))
partBuffer := make([]byte, partSize)
// write to disk
fileName := "bigfile_" + strconv.FormatUint(i, 10)
_, err := os.Create(fileName)
if err != nil {
// write/save buffer to disk
ioutil.WriteFile(fileName, partBuffer, os.ModeAppend)
fmt.Println("Split to : ", fileName)
// just for fun, let's recombine back the chunked files in a new file
newFileName := "NEWbigfile.zip"
_, err = os.Create(newFileName)
if err != nil {
//set the newFileName file to APPEND MODE!!
// open files r and w
file, err = os.OpenFile(newFileName, os.O_APPEND|os.O_WRONLY, os.ModeAppend)
if err != nil {
// IMPORTANT! do not defer a file.Close when opening a file for APPEND mode!
// defer file.Close()
// just information on which part of the new file we are appending
var writePosition int64 = 0
for j := uint64(0); j < totalPartsNum; j++ {
//read a chunk
currentChunkFileName := "bigfile_" + strconv.FormatUint(j, 10)
newFileChunk, err := os.Open(currentChunkFileName)
if err != nil {
defer newFileChunk.Close()
chunkInfo, err := newFileChunk.Stat()
if err != nil {
// calculate the bytes size of each chunk
// we are not going to rely on previous data and constant
var chunkSize int64 = chunkInfo.Size()
chunkBufferBytes := make([]byte, chunkSize)
fmt.Println("Appending at position : [", writePosition, "] bytes")
writePosition = writePosition + chunkSize
// read into chunkBufferBytes
reader := bufio.NewReader(newFileChunk)
_, err = reader.Read(chunkBufferBytes)
if err != nil {
// DON't USE ioutil.WriteFile -- it will overwrite the previous bytes!
// write/save buffer to disk
//ioutil.WriteFile(newFileName, chunkBufferBytes, os.ModeAppend)
n, err := file.Write(chunkBufferBytes)
if err != nil {
file.Sync() //flush to disk
// free up the buffer for next cycle
// should not be a problem if the chunk size is small, but
// can be resource hogging if the chunk size is huge.
// also a good practice to clean up your own plate after eating
chunkBufferBytes = nil // reset or empty our buffer
fmt.Println("Written ", n, " bytes")
fmt.Println("Recombining part [", j, "] into : ", newFileName)
// now, we close the newFileName
Sample output:
Splitting to 6 pieces.
Split to : bigfile_0
Split to : bigfile_1
Split to : bigfile_2
Split to : bigfile_3
Split to : bigfile_4
Split to : bigfile_5
Appending at position : [ 0 ] bytes
Written 1048576 bytes
Recombining part [ 0 ] into : NEWbigfile.zip
Appending at position : [ 1048576 ] bytes
Written 1048576 bytes
Recombining part [ 1 ] into : NEWbigfile.zip
Appending at position : [ 2097152 ] bytes
Written 1048576 bytes
Recombining part [ 2 ] into : NEWbigfile.zip
Appending at position : [ 3145728 ] bytes
Written 1048576 bytes
Recombining part [ 3 ] into : NEWbigfile.zip
Appending at position : [ 4194304 ] bytes
Written 1048576 bytes
Recombining part [ 4 ] into : NEWbigfile.zip
Appending at position : [ 5242880 ] bytes
Written 907617 bytes
Recombining part [ 5 ] into : NEWbigfile.zip
NOTE: This example iterates the chunked files with data from a previous function. IF you need to create a separate program to scan the number of small files in a directory to determine how many files to loop through..... start by looking at this tutorial, https://www.socketloop.com/tutorials/golang-increment-string-example
Happy coding!
See also : Golang : Increment string example
By Adam Ng
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