Golang os.File.Write(), WriteString() and WriteAt() functions example

package os

Golang os.File.Write(), WriteString() and WriteAt() functions usage example

 package main

 import (

 func main() {

 file, err := os.Create("file.txt")

 if err != nil {

 defer file.Close()

 fmt.Println("Writing data to file : ", file.Name())


 n, err := file.Write([]byte("Data written to file via os package!"))

 if err != nil {

 file.Sync() // flush to disk

 fmt.Printf("%d bytes written with Write() function.\n", n)


 n, err = file.WriteString("Data written to file without []byte")

 if err != nil {

 file.Sync() // flush to disk

 fmt.Printf("%d bytes written with WriteString() function.\n", n)


 // so far we have written 71 bytes into the file. Let's try out WriteAt()
 // and start writing from the last written position

 n, err = file.WriteAt([]byte("Some binary data perhaps"), 71)

 if err != nil {

 file.Sync() // flush to disk

 fmt.Printf("%d bytes written with WriteAt() function.\n", n)


NOTE : Similar to some IO package write functions.

See also : https://www.socketloop.com/tutorials/golang-write-file-io-writestring

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