Golang : Generate multiplication table from an integer example
My son is 6 years old now and it is about the right time to expose him to some basic programming and math beyond simple plus and minus. Right now he is learning to code in Golang(easier to grasp) and a little bit of Java(he is having a hard time understanding).
NOTE : While it is good to be able to instruct a computer to generate multiplication table, but I still hope that he is able to memorize the multiplication table from 1 to 12 as he progresses in his education.
Here you go!
package main
import (
func main() {
var i int
fmt.Print("Enter an integer to generate the multiplication table : ")
for n := 1; n <= 12; n++ {
fmt.Println(i, " X ", n, " = ", i*n)
Sample output:
Enter an integer to generate the multiplication table : 12
12 X 1 = 12
12 X 2 = 24
12 X 3 = 36
12 X 4 = 48
12 X 5 = 60
12 X 6 = 72
12 X 7 = 84
12 X 8 = 96
12 X 9 = 108
12 X 10 = 120
12 X 11 = 132
12 X 12 = 144
See also : Golang : Math pow(the power of x^y) example
By Adam Ng(黃武俊)
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