Golang : Math pow(the power of x^y) example
No programming language will be complete without the power of
math function. This tutorial is a simple example on how to use math.Pow()
In Math
2^5 = 2x2x2x2x2 =32
In Golang
Math.pow(2, 5)
In code :
package main
import (
func main() {
result := math.Pow(2, 5)
fmt.Println(" 2 power of 5 is : ", result)
x := 10.5
y := 5
floatResult := math.Pow(x, float64(y)) //type cast int to float64
fmt.Printf(" %.02f power of %d is : %.02f \n", x, y, floatResult)
2 power of 5 is : 32
10.50 power of 5 is : 127628.16
By Adam Ng
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