Android Studio : Import third-party library or package into Gradle Scripts
A note for Android Studio beginner like myself. Encounter an instruction on Github on how to import a third-party library into Android Studio project. Trouble is, the instruction is just
dependencies {
compile 'com.daimajia.numberprogressbar:library:1.4@aar'
Ok, so... how to import or compile
the third-party library/package ??
After some 'rookie' trials and errors, the steps are:
In Android Studio, under
, clickGradle Scripts
and click on thebuild.gradle (Module: app)
[position 1]Add the line shown below at [position 2]
compile 'com.daimajia.numberprogressbar:library:1.4@aar'
Hope this helps!
See also : Android Studio : Indicate progression with ProgressBar example
By Adam Ng
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