Golang : Validate email address
Problem :
You need a quick way to validate if a user has entered a valid email address without knowing how to write the regular expression to parse the email address.
Solution :
Use IsEmail
function from github.com/asaskevich/govalidator
package. For example :
package main
import (
func main() {
testAddress := "adamng@socketloop.com"
valid := govalidator.IsEmail(testAddress)
fmt.Printf("%s is a valid email address : %v \n", testAddress, valid)
testAddress2 := ".adamng@socketloop.com"
valid2 := govalidator.IsEmail(testAddress2)
fmt.Printf("%s is a valid email address : %v \n", testAddress2, valid2)
testAddress3 := "adamng()@socketloop.com"
valid3 := govalidator.IsEmail(testAddress3)
fmt.Printf("%s is a valid email address : %v \n", testAddress3, valid3)
testAddress4 := "adamng_@socketloop.com"
valid4 := govalidator.IsEmail(testAddress4)
fmt.Printf("%s is a valid email address : %v \n", testAddress4, valid4)
Output :
adamng@socketloop.com is a valid email address : true
.adamng@socketloop.com is a valid email address : false
adamng()@socketloop.com is a valid email address : false
adamng_@socketloop.com is a valid email address : true
Reference :
See also : Golang : Send email and SMTP configuration example
By Adam Ng
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