Golang : Unzip file
Go's standard library provides support for several archive file formats. Zip format is the most common standard of compressing file. It is easy to unzip zip file in Go. Below is the code to unzip a zip file.
package main
import (
func main() {
flag.Parse() // get the arguments from command line
zipfile := flag.Arg(0)
if zipfile == "" {
fmt.Println("Usage : gounzip sourcefile.zip")
reader, err := zip.OpenReader(zipfile)
if err != nil {
defer reader.Close()
for _, f := range reader.Reader.File {
zipped, err := f.Open()
if err != nil {
defer zipped.Close()
// get the individual file name and extract the current directory
path := filepath.Join("./", f.Name)
if f.FileInfo().IsDir() {
os.MkdirAll(path, f.Mode())
fmt.Println("Creating directory", path)
} else {
writer, err := os.OpenFile(path, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE, f.Mode())
if err != nil {
defer writer.Close()
if _, err = io.Copy(writer, zipped); err != nil {
fmt.Println("Decompressing : ", path)
Build the executable and
test out the
./gounzip somefile.zip
Sample out :
./gounzip v1.8.31.2-beta.zip
Creating directory ngx_pagespeed-
Decompressing : ngx_pagespeed-
Decompressing : ngx_pagespeed-
Decompressing : ngx_pagespeed-
Decompressing : ngx_pagespeed-
Decompressing : ngxpagespeed-
Creating directory ngx_pagespeed-
See also : Golang : Zip file
By Adam Ng
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