Unix/Linux : Get reboot history or check when was the last reboot date
Probably not some command that many people will look for unless you are a system administrator. Ok, so I need to find out when was the last time my instance, droplets, VPS, box rebooted.
To find out, simply issue this command :
> last reboot
reboot system boot 2.6.32-358.6.2.e Mon Mar 3 21:46 - 05:19 (97+06:32)
reboot system boot 2.6.32-358.6.2.e Mon Mar 3 21:30 - 21:46 (00:15)
reboot system boot 2.6.32-358.6.2.e Fri Feb 28 22:49 - 21:46 (2+22:56)
reboot system boot 2.6.32-358.6.2.e Fri Feb 28 22:47 - 21:46 (2+22:58)
hope this short tutorial can be useful to you.
By Adam Ng
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