Golang : How to read CSV file
One way or another, CSV file is going to be part and parcel of a developer life. A programmer will bound to meet up with CSV file one day. In this tutorial, we will show you how to read CSV file wtih Go. Below is a simple code in Go demonstrating the capability.
package main
import (
func main() {
csvfile, err := os.Open("somecsvfile.csv")
if err != nil {
defer csvfile.Close()
reader := csv.NewReader(csvfile)
reader.FieldsPerRecord = -1 // see the Reader struct information below
rawCSVdata, err := reader.ReadAll()
if err != nil {
// sanity check, display to standard output
for _, each := range rawCSVdata {
fmt.Printf("email : %s and timestamp : %s\n", each[0], each[1])
See how to load CSV values into Struct at https://www.socketloop.com/tutorials/how-to-unmarshal-or-load-csv-record-into-struct-go
The CSV file contains the following data
more somecsvfile.csv
"jenniferlcl@*****.com","2012-07-03 18:38:06"
"norazlinjumali@*****.com","2010-06-26 19:46:08"
"wilfred5571@*****.com","2010-07-02 21:49:55"
"nas_kas81@*****.com","2010-07-06 12:49:31"
"tammyu3622@*****.com","2010-07-06 13:55:21"
"wakrie@*****.com","2012-03-02 11:00:59"
"yst.shirin@*****.com","2010-07-07 10:19:11"
"annl_107@*****.com","2010-07-07 20:55:59"
"jen_5831@*****.com","2010-07-07 21:12:27"
"hsheyli@*****.com","2011-09-07 00:39:11"
The Reader has the following data structure :
type Reader struct {
Comma rune // field delimiter (set to ',' by NewReader)
Comment rune // comment character for start of line
FieldsPerRecord int // number of expected fields per record
LazyQuotes bool // allow lazy quotes
TrailingComma bool // ignored; here for backwards compatibility
TrimLeadingSpace bool // trim leading space
// contains filtered or unexported fields
See also : Read a XML file in Go
By Adam Ng
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