Python : Fix SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character in file, but no encoding declared
Don't really know why Python couldn't handle non-ASCII characters in the source code well by default. Encounter a syntax error in while trying to print out some non-ASCII characters ( Chinese ) with Python.
print " 我爱你"
> python
The interpreter throws out this error message :
File "", line 1 SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character '\xe6' in file on line 1, but no encoding declared; see for details
To fix, this problem. Include this line at the beginning of the your Python source code.
# - *- coding: utf- 8 - *-
After modification :
# - *- coding: utf- 8 - *-
print " 我爱你"
and now > python
should print out :
Hope this helps!
By Adam Ng
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