Python : Delay with time.sleep() function example
It has been a while since I look at Python code. Need to read up a legacy code left by the previous developer and do some minor adjustment to the existing source code.
Basic stuff, nothing to deep or complicated. Just need to introduce delay into the code.
Here is an example on how to use Python's time module to delay execution.
import time
def main():
print("The time is : " + time.strftime("%c"))
time.sleep(10) # delay for 10 seconds
print("After 10 seconds, the time is now : " + time.strftime("%c"))
if __name__ == '__main__':
Sample output :
The time is : Fri Oct 23 09:51:28 2015
After 10 seconds, the time is now : Fri Oct 23 09:51:38 2015
Reference :
See also : Golang : Call a function after some delay(time.Sleep and Tick)
By Adam Ng
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