Java : Human readable password generator
Below is a Java version of my previous tutorial on how to generate human readable password. Basically, what this Java program does is to generate a password that look like this "mu27ju" instead of "sdjfasf12gax3ad@mjxsof".
This kind of password is easier to remember when read by text-to-speech software over the phone.
For the best result, keep the number of alphabets to 6 and digits to 2. It should be practical and random enough. Anything beyond that will be hard to read and remember.
Here you go!
package socketloop;
public class HumanReadablePasswordGenerator {
private static final String VOWELS = "aeiou";
private static final String CONSONANTS = "bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz";
private static final String DIGITS = "0123456789";
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.format("Password length of 6 with 2 digits in the middle : %s%n", humanReadablePassword(6,2)); // best result
System.out.format("Password length of 12 with 2 digits in the middle : %s%n", humanReadablePassword(12,2));
public static String humanReadablePassword(int alphabetSize, int numberSize) {
// sanity check
if (alphabetSize < 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
if (numberSize < 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
// initialize
char randomCharacter = 'a';
int character = 0;
int prefixSize = alphabetSize/2;
if (alphabetSize%2 != 0) {
prefixSize = ((int)(alphabetSize/2)) + 1;
StringBuilder prefixPart = new StringBuilder(prefixSize);
for (int i = 0; i < prefixSize-1; i++) {
if (i%2 == 0) {
// use consonants
character = (int)(Math.random()*CONSONANTS.length());
randomCharacter = CONSONANTS.charAt(character);
} else {
// use vowels
character = (int)(Math.random()*VOWELS.length());
randomCharacter = VOWELS.charAt(character);
StringBuilder middlePart = new StringBuilder(numberSize);
for (int i = 0; i < numberSize; i++) {
// use digits
character = (int)(Math.random()*DIGITS.length());
randomCharacter = DIGITS.charAt(character);
int suffixSize = alphabetSize - prefixSize;
StringBuilder suffixPart = new StringBuilder(suffixSize);
for (int i = 0; i < suffixSize-1; i++) {
if (i%2 == 0) {
// use consonants
character = (int)(Math.random()*CONSONANTS.length());
randomCharacter = CONSONANTS.charAt(character);
} else {
// use vowels
character = (int)(Math.random()*VOWELS.length());
randomCharacter = VOWELS.charAt(character);
return prefixPart.toString();
Sample output:
Password length of 6 with 2 digits in the middle : mu72ne
Password length of 12 with 2 digits in the middle : yucer20zosuy
See also : Golang : Generate human readable password
By Adam Ng(黃武俊)
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