Golang : Trim everything onward after a word
Putting this simple example here for my own future reference. Basically, the problem that I'm trying to solve is to get rid of the rest from from a sentence after a word.
For example, I want to get rid of everything from "abc" onward. How to do that?
s := "123123123123123456abc789123123123123"
s := "123123123123123456"
The solution is to use strings.LastIndex()
to get the position of abc
and then only capture the part before the position.
package main
import (
func main() {
s := "123123123123123456abc789123123123123"
position := strings.LastIndex(s, "abc")
Hope this help!
Happy computing!
See also : Golang : package is not in GOROOT during compilation
By Adam Ng
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