Golang : Switch Redis database redis.NewClient
Problem : Your default Redis connection is using database 0 and you want to get some keys from different Redis database during runtime.
Solution : Create another Redis client with the database index.
// Create a new Redis client with different db
redisClient := redis.NewClient(&redis.Options{
Addr: os.Get("REDIS_HOST") + ":" + os.Get("REDIS_PORT"),
Password: os.Get("REDIS_PASSWORD"),
DB: 9, // use different database than 0
defer redisClient.Close()
// do what you want here
// for example
iter := redisClient.Scan(ctx, 0, "hscodes:*", 0).Iterator() // scan to get all the keys matching wildcard pattern.
Reference :
See also : Golang : PGX CopyFrom to insert rows into Postgres database
By Adam Ng
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