Golang : Strings comparison
Given that mostly backend services deal with text data. There bound to be times when there is a need to compare strings. So how does one compare strings in Golang? After digging around....finally found out that the strings.EqualFold
function can be used to compare strings (case insensitive)
For example :
package main
import (
func main() {
string1 := "Hello"
string2 := "World"
string3 := "HELLo"
// true
bool1 := strings.EqualFold(string1, string1)
// false
bool2 := strings.EqualFold(string1, string2)
// true
bool3 := strings.EqualFold(string1, string3)
fmt.Printf("%s is equal to %s : %v \n", string1, string1, bool1)
fmt.Printf("%s is equal to %s : %v \n", string1, string2, bool2)
// EqualFold comparison is case IN-sensitive
fmt.Printf("%s is equal to %s : %v \n", string1, string3, bool3)
Output :
Hello is equal to Hello : true
Hello is equal to World : false
Hello is equal to HELLo : true
Reference :
See also : Golang : Regular Expression find string example
By Adam Ng
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