Golang : Sort and reverse sort a slice of bytes
Problem :
How to sort and reverse sort a slice of bytes ?
Solution :
Import "github.com/cznic/sortutil"
Use the ByteSlice type ( see http://godoc.org/github.com/cznic/sortutil#ByteSlice ) and invoke the Sort() method.
package main
import (
var bytes sortutil.ByteSlice = []byte("zxvfbac")
func main() {
// Bytes
fmt.Println("Original : ", string(bytes[:]))
fmt.Println("Original : ", bytes[:])
fmt.Println("Sort : ", string(bytes[:]))
fmt.Println("Sort : ", bytes[:])
fmt.Println("Reverse : ", string(bytes[:]))
fmt.Println("Reverse : ", bytes[:])
Output :
Original : zxvfbac
Original : [122 120 118 102 98 97 99]
Sort : abcfvxz
Sort : [97 98 99 102 118 120 122]
Reverse : zxvfcba
Reverse : [122 120 118 102 99 98 97]
See also : Golang : Sort and reverse sort a slice of runes
By Adam Ng
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