Golang : ROT47 (Caesar cipher by 47 characters) example
Here is an example of how to implement the ROT47 - Rotate 47 characters algorithm in Golang. ROT47 is a character substitution cipher that replaces a character within the ASCII range [33, 126] with the character 47. It is also an invertible algorithm where applying the algorithm twice will return the original text.
Here you go!
package main
import (
func rot47(input string) string {
var result []string
for i := range input[:len(input)] {
j := int(input[i])
if (j >= 33) && (j <= 126) {
result = append(result, string(rune(33+((j+14)%94))))
} else {
result = append(result, string(input[i]))
return strings.Join(result, "")
func main() {
text := "ROT47 makes text unreadable and it is also invertible algorithm!"
fmt.Println("ROT47 : ")
// invertible algorithm, apply the same algorithm twice to get the original text
ROT47 :
ROT47 makes text unreadable and it is also invertible algorithm!
#~%cf >2<6D E6IE F?C62523=6 2?5 :E :D 2=D@ :?G6CE:3=6 2=8@C:E9>P
ROT47 makes text unreadable and it is also invertible algorithm!
See also : Golang : Reverse text lines or flip line order example
By Adam Ng
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