Golang : Reverse by word
This tutorial will show you how to reverse the order of words in a string. Reversing the words or elements order can be useful in queuing job or performing certain task that need LIFO(Last In First Out) order. In this simple example, the words order are reversed
package main
import (
func reverse(s string) string {
words := strings.Fields(s) // tokenize each words from input string
totalLength := len(words)
// reverse the order(no sorting!)
for i, j := 0, totalLength-1; i < j; i, j = i+1, j-1 {
words[i], words[j] = words[j], words[i]
// return the reversed words
return strings.Join(words, " ")
func main() {
reversed := reverse("apple durian kiwi banana")
Output :
banana kiwi durian apple
Now, this is different from Sort.Reverse()
function, we are looking to reverse the order of the words, not sorting the order. If you are looking for sort and reverse, see here https://www.socketloop.com/tutorials/golang-sort-and-reverse-sort-a-slice-of-strings
Reference :
See also : Golang : Sort and reverse sort a slice of strings
By Adam Ng
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