Golang : Remove characters from string example
You have a string and you want to remove certain characters from the string base on a set of characters. You've tried using strings.Replace()
function to remove the unwanted characters, but you found out that it removes one character at a time, not a set of characters. To remove a set of characters with strings.Replace()
function requires looping and can be inefficient. Is there a better way to remove a set of characters from a string?
Combine strings.Map()
and strings.IndexRune()
functions to remove a set of unwanted characters from the string.
Here you go!
package main
import (
func removeCharacters(input string, characters string) string {
filter := func(r rune) rune {
if strings.IndexRune(characters, r) < 0 {
return r
return -1
return strings.Map(filter, input)
func main() {
str := "你好吗? 我好! 好我好!? 你好好!"
stripped := strings.Replace(str, "我好", "", -1) // Replace will work with a single unicode
fmt.Println("Before : ", str)
fmt.Println("After : ", stripped)
str = "Happy Go Lucky!"
stripped = strings.Replace(str, "a", "", -1) // only works with a single character
fmt.Println("Before : ", str)
fmt.Println("After : ", stripped)
str = "Happy Go Lucky!"
stripped = strings.Replace(str, "aGo", "", -1) // but NOT with a set of characters
fmt.Println("Before : ", str)
fmt.Println("After : ", stripped)
str = "你好吗? 我好! 好我好!? 你好好!"
stripped = removeCharacters(str, "我好") // now with remove/strip a set of unicode characters
fmt.Println("Before : ", str)
fmt.Println("After : ", stripped)
str = "Happy Go Lucky!"
stripped = removeCharacters(str, "aGo") // will work with a set of characters
fmt.Println("Before : ", str)
fmt.Println("After : ", stripped)
Before : 你好吗? 我好! 好我好!? 你好好!
After : 你好吗? ! 好!? 你好好!
Before : Happy Go Lucky!
After : Hppy Go Lucky!
Before : Happy Go Lucky!
After : Happy Go Lucky!
Before : 你好吗? 我好! 好我好!? 你好好!
After : 你吗? ! !? 你!
Before : Happy Go Lucky!
After : Hppy Lucky!
See also : Find and replace a character in a string in Go
By Adam Ng
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