Golang : Randomly pick an item from a slice/array example
You are building a game and you want to randomly pick an item from a slice of URLs. How to pick one item at random?
You can either shuffle the items inside the slice and pick the first item or use the code example below.
package main
import (
func main() {
URLs := []string{
// randomly pick one beautiful girl(URL) from the URLs slice
choosen := URLs[rand.Intn(len(URLs))]
fmt.Println("Randomly selected this URL : ", choosen)
>go run pickRandomURL.go
Randomly selected this URL : http://cdn2.stylecraze.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/yui-aragaki.jpg
>go run pickRandomURL.go
Randomly selected this URL : http://top-beautiful-women.com/images/1/Japan/Erina%20Mano.jpg
See also : Golang : How to shuffle elements in array or slice?
By Adam Ng
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