Golang : Perform sanity checks on filename example
Your Golang application accepts files uploaded by visitors. However, you want to sanitize the uploaded filenames for security purpose. You want to remove non-standard
characters from a typical filename and also want to have the option to preserve paths. How to do that?
This code example below should be able to perform sanity checks on most common uploaded filenames. Enjoy!
package main
import (
var badCharacters = []string{
"{", "}", "[", "]", "=",
";", "?", "%20", "%22",
"%3c", // <
"%253c", // <
"%3e", // >
"", // > -- fill in with % 0 e - without spaces in between
"%28", // (
"%29", // )
"%2528", // (
"%26", // &
"%24", // $
"%3f", // ?
"%3b", // ;
"%3d", // =
func RemoveBadCharacters(input string, dictionary []string) string {
temp := input
for _, badChar := range dictionary {
temp = strings.Replace(temp, badChar, "", -1)
return temp
func SanitizeFilename(name string, relativePath bool) string {
// default settings
var badDictionary []string = badCharacters
if name == "" {
return name
// if relativePath is TRUE, we preserve the path in the filename
// If FALSE and will cause upper path foldername to merge with filename
if !relativePath {
// add additional bad characters
badDictionary = append(badCharacters, "./")
badDictionary = append(badDictionary, "/")
// trim(remove)white space
trimmed := strings.TrimSpace(name)
// trim(remove) white space in between characters
trimmed = strings.Replace(trimmed, " ", "", -1)
// remove bad characters from filename
trimmed = RemoveBadCharacters(trimmed, badDictionary)
stripped := strings.Replace(trimmed, "\\", "", -1)
return stripped
func main() {
fmt.Println("Sanitize filename example")
filename := "../foldername/你的crazy& ! <!-- $#@# fileN@me.z ip "
fmt.Printf("BEFORE : [%v]\n", filename)
fmt.Printf("AFTER(preserve path) : [%v]\n", SanitizeFilename(filename, true))
fmt.Printf("AFTER(without path) : [%v]\n", SanitizeFilename(filename, false))
Sanitize filename example
BEFORE : [../foldername/你的crazy& ! <!-- $#@# fileN@me.z ip ]
AFTER(preserve path) : [foldername/你的crazy!@fileN@me.zip]
AFTER(without path) : [foldername你的crazy!@fileN@me.zip]
See also : Golang : Upload file from web browser to server
By Adam Ng
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