Golang : Parsing or breaking down URL
Golang provides an easy way to consume and parse URL. It has a very neat package ( http://golang.org/pkg/net/url ) that deals with URL and allow developers to break down the URL into meaningful fragments for processing. The codes below will demonstrate how easy it is to parse a raw URL.
package main
import (
func main() {
rawURL := "http://username:password@searchengine.com:8080/testpath/?q=socketloop.com#TestFunc"
fmt.Println("URL : ", rawURL)
// Parse the URL and ensure there are no errors.
url, err := url.Parse(rawURL)
if err != nil {
// see http://golang.org/pkg/net/url/#URL
// scheme://[userinfo@]host/path[?query][#fragment]
// get the Scheme
fmt.Println("Scheme : ", url.Scheme)
// get the User information
fmt.Println("Username : ", url.User.Username())
password, set := url.User.Password()
fmt.Println("Password : ", password)
fmt.Println("Password set : ", set)
// get the Host
fmt.Println("Raw host : ", url.Host)
// to get the Port number, split the Host
hostport := strings.Split(url.Host, ":")
host := hostport[0]
port := hostport[1]
fmt.Println("Host : ", host)
fmt.Println("Port : ", port)
// get the Path
fmt.Println("Path : ", url.Path)
// get the RawQuery
fmt.Println("Raw Query ", url.RawQuery)
// get the fragment
fmt.Println("Fragment : ", url.Fragment)
Output :
URL : http://username:password@searchengine.com:8080/testpath/?q=socketloop.com#TestFunc
Scheme : http
Username : username
Password : password
Password set : true
Raw host : searchengine.com:8080
Host : searchengine.com
Port : 8080
Path : /testpath/
Raw Query q=socketloop.com
Fragment : TestFunc
See also : Golang : Get URI segments by number and assign as variable example
By Adam Ng
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