Golang : micron to centimeter example
You need to convert centimeter to micron (µ) in Golang. How to do that?
Simple. See the following code:
package main
import (
func micron2cm(µ float64) float64 {
return µ / 10000
func cm2micron(cm float64) float64 {
return cm * 10000
func main() {
fmt.Println("10 µ in centimeter is : ", micron2cm(10.0))
fmt.Println(micron2cm(10.0), " centimeter in µ :", cm2micron(micron2cm(10.0)))
10 µ in centimeter is : 0.001
0.001 centimeter in µ : 10
See also : Golang : Temperatures conversion example
By Adam Ng
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