Golang : Levenshtein distance example
Continue from previous tutorial on fuzzy string search. This is a short example on Levenshtein distance with https://github.com/renstrom/fuzzysearch package. If you ever need to build a parser to parse natural language - Levenshtein distance will be handy. It also helps in spell checkers, correction systems for optical character recognition, and software to assist natural language translation.
Here you go!
package main
import (
func main() {
input := []string{"example", "help", "assistance", "existence"}
rankMatches := fuzzy.RankFind("ex", input)
for _, rank := range rankMatches {
fmt.Println("Source : ", rank.Source, " Word :", rank.Target, " Distance : ", rank.Distance)
References :
See also : Golang : Fuzzy string search or approximate string matching example
By Adam Ng
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