Golang : Humanize and Titleize functions
Humanize function takes multiple words separated by a given separator and changes them to spaces. Titleize converts a given string into a proper title with each word starting character in upper case.
Here you go!
package main
import (
func Titleize(input string) (titleized string) {
isToUpper := false
for k, v := range input {
if k == 0 {
titleized = strings.ToUpper(string(input[0]))
} else {
if isToUpper || unicode.IsUpper(v) {
titleized += " " + strings.ToUpper(string(v))
isToUpper = false
} else {
if (v == '_') || (v == ' ') {
isToUpper = true
} else {
titleized += string(v)
func Humanize(input string, separator string) (humanized string) {
// Takes multiple words separated by the separator and changes them to spaces
for k, v := range input {
if k == 0 {
humanized = strings.ToUpper(string(input[0]))
} else {
if string(v) == separator {
humanized += string(" ")
} else {
humanized += string(v)
func main() {
// separator is _, convert to spaces
fmt.Println(Humanize("the_big_boss", "_"))
// separator is already spaces
fmt.Println(Humanize("big boss", " "))
// separator is +
fmt.Println(Humanize("big+boss", "+"))
fmt.Println(Titleize("nab that guy"))
The big boss
Big boss
Big boss
Nab That Guy
Nab That Guy
Space-marines Kill Aliens
Raiders Of The Lost Ark
See also : Golang : Ordinal and Ordinalize a given number to the English ordinal numeral
By Adam Ng
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