Golang : How to reverse slice or array elements order
In this short tutorial, we will learn how to reverse the elements order inside a slice or array. Taking the example from a previous tutorial on how to reverse elements order in a map, we will reverse the elements order by
1. calculating the total length of the slice.
2. deduct 1 position.
3. then deduct the current element position to get the last element.
4. finally, append the last element into a new slice with reversed order.
Here you go!
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
cities := [...]string{"New York", "Beijing", "Bangkok", "Adelaide", "Tokyo", "Seoul", "Zurich", "Seattle"}
fmt.Println("Before : ", cities)
reversed := []string{}
// reverse order
// and append into new slice
for i := range cities {
n := cities[len(cities)-1-i]
//fmt.Println(n) -- sanity check
reversed = append(reversed, n)
fmt.Println("After : ", reversed)
Output :
Before : [New York Beijing Bangkok Adelaide Tokyo Seoul Zurich Seattle]
After : [Seattle Zurich Seoul Tokyo Adelaide Bangkok Beijing New York]
See also : Golang : How to reverse elements order in map ?
By Adam Ng
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