Golang : How to filter a map's elements for faster lookup

A short tutorial on how to filter map elements. Map is a hash table equivalent in Golang and very useful for doing fast lookup. However, there are times we need to "scale" down the number of elements in a map for a "faster" lookup(smaller set to search). One way to do this is to filter out the elements that we need or don't need.

Below is an example code on how to filter elements out from a map.

Here you go!

 package main

 import (

 func main() {

 hostings := map[int]string{0: "digitalocean.com",
 1: "linode.com",
 2: "azure.com",
 3: "aws.amazon.com",
 4: "heroku.com"}

 fmt.Println("Before filtering :")
 for number, company := range hostings {
 fmt.Println("Number : ", number, "Company : ", company)

 fmt.Println("\n\nFilter by index number. Need to know index number in advance :")
 companyName, ok := hostings[3] // select index number 3

 if ok {
 fmt.Println("Hosting company name : ", companyName)
 } else {
 fmt.Println(companyName + " not found")

 // filter aws.amazon.com from the hostings map

 fmt.Println("\n\nFilter map elements by name :")
 for number, company := range hostings {
 if strings.EqualFold(strings.ToLower(company), "aws.amazon.com") {
 fmt.Printf("[%d] : %s\n", number, company)

 // filter company names that contain the character "u" from the hostings map
 fmt.Println("\n\nFilter map elements by a single character :")
 for number, company := range hostings {
 if strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(company), "u") {
 fmt.Printf("[%d] : %s\n", number, company)


Sample output:

Before filtering :


Number : 3 Company : aws.amazon.com

Number : 4 Company : heroku.com

Number : 0 Company : digitalocean.com

Number : 1 Company : linode.com

Number : 2 Company : azure.com

Filter by index number. Need to know index number in advance :


Hosting company name : aws.amazon.com

Filter map elements by name :


3 : aws.amazon.com

Filter map elements by a single character :


4 : heroku.com

2 : azure.com






By Adam Ng

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