Golang : How to detect a server/machine network interface capabilities?
Problem :
You want to know which network interfaces on a server that support Broadcast, Loopback, PointToPoint or Multicast networking capabilities. How to do that in Golang?
Solution :
Use the net.Interfaces()
function to retrieve all the available network interfaces on the server, then check each interfaces' Flags.
For example :
package main
import (
func main() {
interfaces, err := net.Interfaces()
if err != nil {
for _, i := range interfaces {
fmt.Printf("Name : %v \n", i.Name)
// see http://golang.org/pkg/net/#Flags
fmt.Println("Interface type and supports : ", i.Flags.String())
if strings.Contains(i.Flags.String(), "up") {
fmt.Println("Status : UP")
} else {
fmt.Println("Status : DOWN")
if strings.Contains(i.Flags.String(), "multicast") {
fmt.Println("Support multicast : YES")
} else {
fmt.Println("Support multicast : NO")
Sample output :
Name : lo0
Interface type and supports : up|loopback|multicast
Status : UP
Support multicast : YES
Name : gif0
Interface type and supports : pointtopoint|multicast
Status : DOWN
Support multicast : YES
Name : stf0
Interface type and supports : 0
Status : DOWN
Support multicast : NO
Name : en1
Interface type and supports : up|broadcast|multicast
Status : UP
Support multicast : YES
References :
const (
FlagUp Flags = 1 << iota // interface is up
FlagBroadcast // interface supports broadcast access capability
FlagLoopback // interface is a loopback interface
FlagPointToPoint // interface belongs to a point-to-point link
FlagMulticast // interface supports multicast access capability
By Adam Ng
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