Golang : How to delete element(data) from map ?
Problem :
You need to delete some elements from a map.
Such as:
cities := map[string]string{ "city1":"New York", "city2":"Adelaide" };
and remove element "city2" from cities map
Solution :
Use the Golang's builtin function
delete(m, k) // remove element m[k] from map m
For example :
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
cities := map[string]string{"city1": "New York", "city2": "Adelaide"}
fmt.Println("Before : ", cities) // before delete
delete(cities, "city2")
fmt.Println("After : ", cities) // after delete
Output :
Before : map[city1:New York city2:Adelaide]
After : map[city1:New York]
References :
See also : Golang : Check if element exist in map
By Adam Ng
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