Golang : How to convert(cast) IP address to string?
Problem :
You need to convert(cast) the integer values you get from function such as net.LookupIP()
or type IP (http://golang.org/pkg/net/#IP) to string.
Solution :
Each IP address returned by net.LookupIP()
has the .String()
method. See example usage :
package main
import (
func main() {
addresses, err := net.LookupIP("www.yahoo.com")
fmt.Println(addresses, err)
for i := 0; i < len(addresses); i++ {
segments := strings.SplitAfter(addresses[i].String(), " ") //<--- here!
fmt.Printf("IP address #%d : %s \n", i, segments)
See also : Golang : How to convert(cast) string to IP address?
By Adam Ng
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