Golang : Find duplicate files with filepath.Walk
Sometimes we downloaded a lot of files in a directory and although the files have different names, they could be duplicates of the same file . This small Golang program will scan a target directory and create a hash map for each files. If any files have similar sha512 hash, then they are ... essentially the same.
package main
import (
var files = make(map[[sha512.Size]byte]string)
func checkDuplicate(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return nil
if info.IsDir() { // skip directory
return nil
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
return nil
hash := sha512.Sum512(data) // get the file sha512 hash
if v, ok := files[hash]; ok {
fmt.Printf("%q is a duplicate of %q\n", path, v)
} else {
files[hash] = path // store in map for comparison
return nil
func main() {
if len(os.Args) != 2 {
fmt.Printf("USAGE : %s <target_directory> \n", os.Args[0])
dir := os.Args[1] // get the target directory
err := filepath.Walk(dir, checkDuplicate)
if err != nil {
Sample output :
"/Users/sweetlogic/Applications/.localized" is a duplicate of "/Users/.localized"
"/Users/sweetlogic/Desktop/.localized" is a duplicate of "/Users/.localized"
"/Users/sweetlogic/Desktop/01.jpg" is a duplicate of "/Users/sweetlogic/01.jpg"
"/Users/sweetlogic/Desktop/02.jpg" is a duplicate of "/Users/sweetlogic/02.jpg"
"/Users/sweetlogic/Desktop/03.jpg" is a duplicate of "/Users/sweetlogic/03.jpg"
See also : Generate checksum for a file in Go
By Adam Ng
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