Golang : File system scanning
Problem :
How to scan all the files located inside a root directory in Golang?
Solution :
Use the filepath.Walk
function. See codes below :
package main
import (
func scan(path string, f os.FileInfo, err error) error {
fmt.Printf("Scanned %s with size %d bytes\n", path, f.Size())
return nil
func main() {
if len(os.Args) != 2 {
fmt.Printf("USAGE : %s <target_directory> \n", os.Args[0])
dir := os.Args[1] // 1st argument is the directory location
err := filepath.Walk(dir, scan)
if err != nil {
Sample output :
./scanfilesystem /Users/
Scanned /Users/ with size 170 bytes
Scanned /Users/.localized with size 0 bytes
Scanned /Users/Shared with size 136 bytes
Scanned /Users/Shared/.localized with size 0 bytes
Scanned /Users/Shared/SC Info with size 68 bytes
Scanned /Users/sweetlogic with size 8194 bytes
By Adam Ng
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