Golang : Crop image
This is a continuation from the previous tutorial on how to resize image in Golang. For this tutorial, we will learn how easy it is to crop image with the excellent https://github.com/disintegration/imaging package.
This code below will create two images. One which is cropped from center point and another cropped according to the defined rectangular region.
package main
import (
func main() {
// maximize CPU usage for maximum performance
// load original image
img, err := imaging.Open("./big.jpg")
if err != nil {
// crop from center
centercropimg := imaging.CropCenter(img, 300, 300)
// save cropped image
err = imaging.Save(centercropimg, "./centercrop.jpg")
if err != nil {
// crop out a rectangular region
rectcropimg := imaging.Crop(img, image.Rect(0, 0, 500, 500))
// save cropped image
err = imaging.Save(rectcropimg, "./rectcrop.jpg")
if err != nil {
// everything ok
For more information and other functions to manipulate images, please see http://godoc.org/github.com/disintegration/imaging
See also : Golang : Resize Image
By Adam Ng
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