Golang : Convert seconds to minutes and remainder seconds
You have an input seconds in integer that you want to convert into minutes and remainder seconds. How to do that?
The secondsToMinutes()
function below will first get the minutes from the given input seconds and then calculate the remainder seconds.
Here you go!
package main
import (
func secondsToMinutes(inSeconds int) string {
minutes := inSeconds / 60
seconds := inSeconds % 60
str := fmt.Sprintf("d:d", minutes, seconds)
return str
func main() {
fmt.Println("3600 seconds in minutes : ", secondsToMinutes(3600))
fmt.Println("9999 seconds in minutes : ", secondsToMinutes(9999))
fmt.Println("660 seconds in minutes : ", secondsToMinutes(660))
fmt.Println("1234567890 seconds in minutes : ", secondsToMinutes(1234567890))
3600 seconds in minutes : 60:00
9999 seconds in minutes : 166:39
660 seconds in minutes : 11:00
1234567890 seconds in minutes : 20576131:30
See also : Golang : Convert date or time stamp from string to time.Time type
By Adam Ng
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