Golang : Convert IPv4 address to decimal number(base 10) or integer
Problem :
IP address in decimal is easier to search, filter or compare. For example, searching for IP address in a given range.
You want to convert IPv4 address to integer to perform bitwise operation or for efficient storage in a database. How to do that?
Solutions :
package main
import (
func IP4toInt(IPv4Addr net.IP) int64 {
bits := strings.Split(IPv4Addr.String(), ".")
b0, _ := strconv.Atoi(bits[0])
b1, _ := strconv.Atoi(bits[1])
b2, _ := strconv.Atoi(bits[2])
b3, _ := strconv.Atoi(bits[3])
var sum int64
// left shifting 24,16,8,0 and bitwise OR
sum += int64(b0) << 24
sum += int64(b1) << 16
sum += int64(b2) << 8
sum += int64(b3)
return sum
func main() {
ipDecimal := IP4toInt(net.ParseIP(""))
Output :
Is there an easier way? Of course! See this next example :
package main
import (
func IP4toInt(IPv4Address net.IP) int64 {
IPv4Int := big.NewInt(0)
return IPv4Int.Int64()
func main() {
ipv4Decimal := IP4toInt(net.ParseIP(""))
Output :
Happy coding!
References :
See also : Golang : Convert decimal number(integer) to IPv4 address
By Adam Ng
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