Golang : Convert IP address string to long ( unsigned 32-bit integer )
Here is another way of converting IPv4 string to long ( unsigned 32-bit integer ). Pretty similar to the previous tutorial on how to convert IPv4 address to base 10.
Here you go!
package main
import (
func ip2Long(ip string) uint32 {
var long uint32
binary.Read(bytes.NewBuffer(net.ParseIP(ip).To4()), binary.BigEndian, &long)
return long
func backtoIP4(ipInt int64) string {
// need to do two bit shifting and “0xff” masking
b0 := strconv.FormatInt((ipInt>>24)&0xff, 10)
b1 := strconv.FormatInt((ipInt>>16)&0xff, 10)
b2 := strconv.FormatInt((ipInt>>8)&0xff, 10)
b3 := strconv.FormatInt((ipInt & 0xff), 10)
return b0 + "." + b1 + "." + b2 + "." + b3
func main() {
result := ip2Long("")
// or if you prefer the super fast way
faster := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(net.ParseIP("")[12:16])
faster64 := int64(faster)
See also : Golang : How to check if IP address is in range
By Adam Ng
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