Golang : Convert(cast) []byte to io.Reader type
Problem :
Need to convert XML data from http.Get()
to io.Reader type for xml.NewDecoder()
function to work . How to do that ?
Solution :
Use strings.NewReader()
function to convert the []byte type to io.Reader type.
For example :
domainName := "socketloop.com"
resp, err := http.Get("http://data.alexa.com/data?cli=10&url=" + domainName)
if err != nil {
defer resp.Body.Close()
alexaData, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
// convert []byte to type io.Reader with strings.NewReader()
decoder := xml.NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(string(alexaData)))
Reference :
By Adam Ng
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