Golang : Check to see if *File is a file or directory
Sometimes, we need to write codes that is robust and flexible enough to handle different situation. For example, if a program is going to open up a directory or file. In this simple tutorial, we will learn how to handle the situation when opening up a file or directory with os.Open()
function. We will use the FileInfo.Mode()
function to determine if the object that we opened is a file or directory.
package main
import (
func main() {
object := "./FileDir" // this could be file or directory
fdir, err := os.Open(object)
if err != nil {
defer fdir.Close()
finfo, err := fdir.Stat()
if err != nil {
switch mode := finfo.Mode(); {
case mode.IsDir():
fmt.Println("object is a directory")
case mode.IsRegular():
fmt.Println("object is a file")
Hope this tutorial can be useful to you. Remember to check out the SEE ALSO below.
Reference :
See also : Golang : Read directory content with os.Open
By Adam Ng
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