Golang : Check if directory exist and create if does not exist
Anyway, need to modify an existing Golang program for a friend. The original developer left her company and basically, she needs the program to check if a directory/folder exist or not. If it is not there, create the folder and also need to report if and why the directory creation failed.
Below is a function that should check if a directory exists and create one if it does not exist.
Here you go!
package main
import (
func createDirectory(dirName string) bool {
src, err := os.Stat(dirName)
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
errDir := os.MkdirAll(dirName, 0755)
if errDir != nil {
return true
if src.Mode().IsRegular() {
fmt.Println(dirName, "already exist as a file!")
return false
return false
func main() {
if len(os.Args) != 2 {
fmt.Printf("Usage : %s <directory>\n", os.Args[0])
directory := os.Args[1]
result := createDirectory(directory)
fmt.Println(directory, "created : ", result)
Sample output:
$ ./createdirifnotexist
Usage : ./createdirifnotexist
$ ./createdirifnotexist webserver
webserver already exist as a file!
webserver created : false
$ ./createdirifnotexist webserver2
webserver2 created : true
$ ./createdirifnotexist webserver2
webserver2 created : false
$ rm -rf webserver2
$ ./createdirifnotexist webserver2
webserver2 created : true
Happy coding!
See also : Golang : Determine if directory is empty with os.File.Readdir() function
By Adam Ng
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