Golang : Call function from another package
Very often new comers learning Go will encounter problem in calling functions from another library or package. Go needs to know the path to the function and you will need to specify this with the import
directive. Also remember that for the function to be exportable(called from other function), the first character must be capital. For example, SayHello
versus sayHello
Typical way of accessing a function is done this way
variable := package.FunctionName()
such as below
Location : (Project/main.go)
package main
import "fmt"
import "Project/myownfunctions" // <-- remember to include the directory/package name - in this case "Project"
func main(){
variable := myownfunctions.SayHello() //<---- function name must be capital!
and in another file
Location : (Project/myownfunctions/myownfunctions.go)
package myownfunctions
func SayHello() string{
return "Hello from this another package"
By Adam Ng
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