Golang : Calculate how many weeks left to go in a given year
Here is a simple tutorial on how to calculate the number of weeks in a given year and figure out how many more weeks left to go. A year can have either 52 or 53 weeks and care must be taken to properly get the last day of the last week in a year to get the correct number of weeks.
Here you go!
package main
import (
func main() {
tn := time.Now() // change this to calculate different year
fmt.Println("Now : ", tn.Format(time.ANSIC))
// this week is which number in the current calender year
_, currentWeekNumber := tn.ISOWeek()
fmt.Println("Current week number : ", currentWeekNumber)
// calculate the last week number for the current year
last := now.EndOfYear()
lastWeekOfTheYear := now.New(last).BeginningOfWeek()
fmt.Println("The day of the final week : ", lastWeekOfTheYear.Format(time.ANSIC))
_, lastWeekNumber := lastWeekOfTheYear.ISOWeek()
// verify at https://www.epochconverter.com/weeks/2019
fmt.Println("For the year", tn.Year(), ". It has", lastWeekNumber, "weeks.")
weeksLeft := lastWeekNumber - currentWeekNumber
fmt.Println("Hence, there are", weeksLeft, "weeks left to go.")
Now : Thu Jun 13 18:14:04 2019
Current week number : 24
The day of the final week : Sun Dec 29 00:00:00 2019
For the year 2019 . It has 52 weeks.
Hence, there are 28 weeks left to go.
Happy coding!
References :
See also : Golang : Loop each day of the current month example
By Adam Ng(黃武俊)
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