Golang : Byte format example


You want to format the long integer or number string representing a byte size such as giga, mega, peta or exa bytes into a shorter form to readability purpose. Such as formating 1234567891 to 1.1 GB.


This ByteFormat() function will convert a given size in float64 type into a formatted string plus the measurement unit.

Here you go!

 package main

 import (

 func RoundUp(input float64, places int) (newVal float64) {
 var round float64
 pow := math.Pow(10, float64(places))
 digit := pow * input
 round = math.Ceil(digit)
 newVal = round / pow

 func ByteFormat(inputNum float64, precision int) string {

 if precision <= 0 {
 precision = 1

 var unit string
 var returnVal float64

 if inputNum >= 1000000000000000000000000 {
 returnVal = RoundUp((inputNum / 1208925819614629174706176), precision)
 unit = " YB" // yottabyte
 } else if inputNum >= 1000000000000000000000 {
 returnVal = RoundUp((inputNum / 1180591620717411303424), precision)
 unit = " ZB" // zettabyte
 } else if inputNum >= 10000000000000000000 {
 returnVal = RoundUp((inputNum / 1152921504606846976), precision)
 unit = " EB" // exabyte
 } else if inputNum >= 1000000000000000 {
 returnVal = RoundUp((inputNum / 1125899906842624), precision)
 unit = " PB" // petabyte
 } else if inputNum >= 1000000000000 {
 returnVal = RoundUp((inputNum / 1099511627776), precision)
 unit = " TB" // terrabyte
 } else if inputNum >= 1000000000 {
 returnVal = RoundUp((inputNum / 1073741824), precision)
 unit = " GB" // gigabyte
 } else if inputNum >= 1000000 {
 returnVal = RoundUp((inputNum / 1048576), precision)
 unit = " MB" // megabyte
 } else if inputNum >= 1000 {
 returnVal = RoundUp((inputNum / 1024), precision)
 unit = " KB" // kilobyte
 } else {
 returnVal = inputNum
 unit = " bytes" // byte

 return strconv.FormatFloat(returnVal, 'f', precision, 64) + unit


 func main() {

 fmt.Println("Byte formatting with PRECISION = 1 example")
 fmt.Println("123 = ", ByteFormat(123, 1))
 fmt.Println("1234 = ", ByteFormat(1234, 1))
 fmt.Println("1234567 = ", ByteFormat(1234567, 1))
 fmt.Println("1234567891 = ", ByteFormat(1234567891, 1))
 fmt.Println("12345678912345 = ", ByteFormat(12345678912345, 1))
 fmt.Println("123456789123456789 = ", ByteFormat(123456789123456789, 1))
 fmt.Println("1234567891234567891234 = ", ByteFormat(1234567891234567891234, 1))
 fmt.Println("123456789123456789123456789 = ", ByteFormat(123456789123456789123456789, 1))

 fmt.Println("Byte formatting with PRECISION = 4 example")
 fmt.Println("123 = ", ByteFormat(123, 4))
 fmt.Println("1234 = ", ByteFormat(1234, 4))
 fmt.Println("1234567 = ", ByteFormat(1234567, 4))
 fmt.Println("1234567891 = ", ByteFormat(1234567891, 4))
 fmt.Println("12345678912345 = ", ByteFormat(12345678912345, 4))
 fmt.Println("123456789123456789 = ", ByteFormat(123456789123456789, 4))
 fmt.Println("1234567891234567891234 = ", ByteFormat(1234567891234567891234, 4))
 fmt.Println("123456789123456789123456789 = ", ByteFormat(123456789123456789123456789, 4))




Byte formatting with PRECISION = 1 example


123 = 123.0 bytes

1234 = 1.2 KB

1234567 = 1.2 MB

1234567891 = 1.1 GB

12345678912345 = 11.2 TB

123456789123456789 = 109.7 PB

1234567891234567891234 = 1.0 ZB

123456789123456789123456789 = 102.1 YB


Byte formatting with PRECISION = 4 example


123 = 123.0000 bytes

1234 = 1.2051 KB

1234567 = 1.1774 MB

1234567891 = 1.1498 GB

12345678912345 = 11.2284 TB

123456789123456789 = 109.6517 PB

1234567891234567891234 = 1.0458 ZB

123456789123456789123456789 = 102.1211 YB

Happy coding!





By Adam Ng

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