Golang : Missing Bazaar command
Problem :
Encounter this error message go: missing Bazaar command
when trying go get some package.
For example :
go:….... read more
Golang : Missing Subversion command
Problem :
Encounter this error message go: missing Subversion command
when trying go get some package.
For example :
go:….... read more
Golang : read gzipped http response
There are times when we want to grab a website content for parsing(crawling) and found out that the content is….... read more
Golang : Decompress zlib file example
Continuation from previous tutorial on how to zlib compress a file. In this part, we will learn how….... read more
How to check with curl if my website or the asset is gzipped ?
Problem :
You are trying to improve your PageSpeed score and trying to gzip the output of your website. You….... read more
Golang : Unzip file
Go's standard library provides support for several archive file formats. Zip format is the most common standard of compressing file.….... read more
Golang : How to tell if a file is compressed either gzip or zip ?
Sometimes it is good to check if a file is really in compressed form or not by examining the actual….... read more
Golang : zlib compress file example
This tutorial will show you how to read an uncompress file content into a buffer, use zlib on the buffer….... read more
Golang : Gzip file example
This tutorial is to fulfill a request from a student learning Golang in Senegal.
His question is how to gzip….... read more
Golang : Gunzip file
This tutorial demonstrates how to g-unzip a gz
file easily in Golang. It is a continuation from previous .... read more
Golang : Example for RSA package functions
One of the most practicable and popular cryptography systems is the RSA. The encryption works by allowing the public/encryption key….... read more
Golang : For loop continue,break and range
Feeling like writing about FOR loop today so....this tutorial will explore how Golang's FOR loop works.
For loop is….... read more
Golang : missing Mercurial command
Problem :
You encounter this funky error message when trying go get
some package.
For example :
go: missing….... read more
Golang : missing Git command
Problem :
Attempt go get
some package failed because Git is missing.
For example :
go: missing Git command. See….... read more
Golang : get the current working directory of a running program
Problem :
You are looking for way to get the folder/directory of the running program.
Solution :
Use https://bitbucket.org/kardianos/osext….... read more
SSL : How to check if current certificate is sha1 or sha2 from command line
Problem :
You want to check if a website SSL certificate is sha1 or sha2 algorithm from command line.
Solution….... read more
Golang : Read a text file and replace certain words
Problem :
You have a text file with some words that you need to replace with another word.
Solution :
….... read more
Golang : convert rune to integer value
Just a short tutorial on how to convert a rune into integer. Converting rune to integer value can be useful….... read more