
golang.pngGolang : Send email and SMTP configuration example

1st January 2015

Golang has a SMTP(Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) package that allows developers to send out email in quick and….... read more

golang.pngGolang : Pipe output from one os.Exec(shell command) to another command

31st December 2014

Problem :

You want to execute one shell command with os.Exec() function, wait for it to complete and then pipe….... read more

golang.pngGolang : Execute function at intervals or after some delay

31st December 2014

Problem :

You want to execute functions at intervals - such as polling a remote terminal every 30 seconds or….... read more

golang.pngGolang : Call a function after some delay(time.Sleep and Tick)

30th December 2014

Long time ago when I started learning Turbo Pascal by myself. One of the few functions that I'd learned is….... read more

golang.pngGolang : Overwrite previous output with count down timer

30th December 2014

Just a note for myself on how to create a count down timer and how to overwrite previous output. Very….... read more

golang.pngGolang : Convert string to array/slice

29th December 2014

Just a note for my own self. Hope it will be useful for you.

Problem :

You have a string….... read more

golang.pngGolang : How to extract links from web page ?

29th December 2014

Golang's third party package goquery provides excellent tools to assist developers in building HTML parser/crawler. In this tutorial,….... read more

golang.pngGolang : Date and Time formatting

28th December 2014

Our civilizations won't progress till this stage without proper understanding, parsing and organising our lives base on date and time.….... read more

golang.pngGolang : Constant and variable names in native language

27th December 2014

Stumbled upon a discussion in Quora about the abilities of Golang. One of them is that Go allows developers to….... read more

golang.pngGolang : Calculate elapsed years or months since a date

25th December 2014

This is additional tutorial to our previous tutorial on how to calculate elasped run time. We will learn….... read more

macosx.jpgUnix/Linux : Get reboot history or check when was the last reboot date

25th December 2014

Probably not some command that many people will look for unless you are a system administrator. Ok, so I need….... read more

golang.pngGolang : calculate elapsed run time

25th December 2014

Calculating elapsed time can be useful for profiling or bench marking purpose. In this short tutorial, we will learn how….... read more

macosx.jpgUnix/Linux : How to get own IP address ?

25th December 2014

I know I know... this should be a fairly simple task.. but my memory is that good anymore.

Just….... read more

golang.pngGolang : Detect (OS) Operating System

25th December 2014

Ability to detect which type of operating system during run time can be helpful in programming a software behavior or….... read more

golang.pngGolang : http.Get example

24th December 2014

Grabbing content in raw HTML format is useful for crawling or parsing purpose. This short tutorial demonstrates how easy it….... read more

golang.pngGolang : HTTP response JSON encoded data

24th December 2014

Alright, time to get dirty again.

I need to do a quick and easy http.Get() from another server(let say server….... read more

golang.pngGolang : Process json data with Jason package

24th December 2014

While writing out the tutorial on how to read json data and save to csv, I was thinking….... read more

golang.pngGolang : Download file example

23rd December 2014

Continuing from previous tutorial on how to use http.Get() function, in this tutorial, we will learn how to….... read more
