
golang.pngGolang : How to get time from unix nano example

17th August 2015

Just an add on to previous tutorial on how to get time in milliseconds. This is a short….... read more

golang.pngGolang : How to get time in milliseconds?

17th August 2015

Helping out a friend to calculate millisecond from a given date today. Apparently, there is no direct function in Golang's….... read more

google-analytics.pngFix Google Analytics Redundant Hostnames problem

17th August 2015

Google Analytics alerted me to a "redundant hostnames" problem today. From the message, appparently, Google Analytics is receiving data streaming….... read more

swift.jpgSwift : substringWithRange() function example

16th August 2015

A quick tutorial as add on from previous tutorial on how to get sub-string with rangeOfString() function. Another….... read more

swift.jpgSwift : Get substring with rangeOfString() function example

16th August 2015

Problem :

You have a string and you want to get(extract) the sub string from start to {0} and from….... read more

golang.pngGolang : Get sub string example

16th August 2015

Getting sub string is a common task in extracting details from a larger set of information. Here is a quick….... read more

swift.jpgSwift : Convert string array to array example

16th August 2015

Problem :

You have a string array and you want to convert it to array. How to do that?

Solution….... read more

golang.pngGolang : Output or print out JSON stream/encoded data

14th August 2015

Problem :

You need to produce JSON stream or JSON encoded data to web browser or client. How to do….... read more

golang.pngGolang : Populate or initialize struct with values example

14th August 2015

A quick and short example on how to populate or initialize a struct with values. Pretty straight forward, but it….... read more

golang.pngGolang : Count JSON objects and convert to slice/array

14th August 2015

Problem :

You have an array of JSON objects and you want to count the number of JSON objects. You….... read more

javascript.jpgJavaScript/JQuery : Detect or intercept enter key pressed example

14th August 2015

Problem :

You created a text input box and want detect(or rather intercept) if the user pressed the enter button.….... read more

golang.pngGolang : Get checkbox or extract multipart form data value example

13th August 2015

This tutorial is a slight modification on the previous tutorial on the how to upload multiple files and….... read more

golang.pngGolang : Load ASN1 encoded DSA public key PEM file example

13th August 2015

In this tutorial, we will learn how to get the DSA public key from a ASN1 encoded PEM file generated….... read more

golang.pngGolang : Load DSA public key from file example

12th August 2015

Continue from previous tutorial on generating DSA private and public key. For this tutorial, we will learn how….... read more

golang.pngGolang : Generate DSA private, public key and PEM files example

12th August 2015

For this tutorial, we will build on the previous tutorial on how to save private and public key….... read more

golang.pngGolang : Close channel after ticker stopped example

12th August 2015

This is an example on how to close channel after the time.NewTicker() function - ticker stopped. i.e close the channel….... read more

golang.pngGolang : Change date format to yyyy-mm-dd

11th August 2015

Problem :

Your Golang program is producing date in long form that look like this :

2015-08-11 17:21:52.776537624 +0800 MYT

.... read more

golang.pngJavascript : Empty an array example

11th August 2015

Problem :

You have an array in JavaScript and you need to empty it. How to do that?

For instance….... read more
