
http.pngHTTP common errors and their meaning explained

20th October 2015

The most common error message a normal person surfing the web will encounter is error 404. However, for those in….... read more

codeigniter.jpgCodeIgniter : form input set_value cause " to become & quot

20th October 2015

Problem :

A string retrieved from database contains " and when you try to display the string with Form Helper's….... read more

php.jpgPHP : How to handle URI or URL with non-ASCII characters such as Chinese/Japanese/Korean(CJK) ?

20th October 2015

This tutorial is for CodeIgniter, but it should work with any PHP framework or raw PHP.

While working with CodeIgniter,….... read more

socketloop.jpgUseful methods to access blocked websites

19th October 2015

In this tutorial, we will explore couple of methods that you can use to access blocked websites. There are many….... read more

php.jpgLinux/Unix/PHP : Restart PHP-FPM

19th October 2015

Problem :

One of my server ran out of memory because of defunct php-fpm process. Need to restart php-fpm (FastCGI….... read more

php.jpgPHP : Convert string to timestamp or datestamp before storing to database(MariaDB/MySQL)

15th October 2015

Problem :

Need to convert a date string in PHP before storing the date into database(MariaDB/MySQL). The field in table….... read more

php.jpgPHP : Convert CSV to JSON with YQL example

15th October 2015

Just a note for myself for future reference. Putting this down here...maybe you may find it useful too.

This tutorial….... read more

golang.pngGolang : Configure crontab to poll every two minutes 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday

15th October 2015

Was very busy lately working on a new project for a client. One of the key requirements in the project….... read more

golang.pngGolang : How to deal with configuration data?

14th October 2015

A friend ask what are the ways to deal with configuration data in Golang. Couple of ways that I can….... read more

ubuntu.pngUbuntu : connect() to unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock failed (13: Permission denied) while connecting to upstream

4th October 2015

Encountered a permission denied problem while setting up a server with Ubuntu + PageSpeed + Nginx + PHP5-FPM. From the….... read more

golang.pngGolang : Compare floating-point numbers

1st October 2015

It has been a while since I need to compare two float numbers. Golang's math/big package has function to compare….... read more

golang.pngGolang : Defer function inside init()

30th September 2015

Putting this short note down for those intending to use defer function inside init(). IF you put a defer function….... read more

macosx.jpgMac OSX : Find large files by size

30th September 2015

Mac OS X prompted me about my startup disk running out of disk space. I need a quick way to….... read more

macosx.jpgUnix/Linux : How to find out the hard disk size?

28th September 2015

It is easy to find out the available or used up hard disk space in a Graphical User Interface environment….... read more

golang.pngGolang : Round float to precision example

28th September 2015

Just an add on for my previous tutorial on how to round up or down a float number.….... read more

macosx.jpgUnix/Linux : How to fix CentOS yum duplicate glibc or device-mapper-libs dependency error?

27th September 2015

Encountered a weird problem or yum update error yesterday while performing this command :

>sudo yum update on one of….... read more

javascript.jpgJavascript : How to show different content with noscript?

27th September 2015

Problem :

You got complains from your website visitors that certain functions or part of your website is not functioning….... read more

javascript.jpgJavascript : How to get width and height of a div?

15th September 2015

Problem :

You have a <div> and you want to get the dimension of the <div> such as height and….... read more
